Ode to Death Review
Mission & Story
Founder's Message
Koi fish—used as a symbol of strength in Japan—stand as a symbol of the inevitable mix of unity and bravery for us. The legend of the koi dragon in Japan tells the story of a koi fish who had climbed up a waterfall against all odds. We believe that in this world of dictatorship where creativity is declining, we can also stand together and win against all odds.
But where does the name 'Ode to Death' come from? Words and paint are two things which will live long past us, a single proof that our soul had stepped into this world. The world where many words remain buried in the depths of one's heart, it is only death which will uncover and listen to them. Ode to Death is all about the words misread, the letters unsent, the poems unfinished, the art abandoned, and the trembles not noticed within one's heart.
Accepting works from everyone (12-19) despite language, racial, or cultural boundaries, we make art available for everyone, since all men stand equal when they face death. We accept art of all mediums, traditional, digital, sculptures, photography. Anything that you are proud of.
Who will we be when we face death? When he comes to take our soul away, will he grant the poets and artists some mercy and let them complete their final act? When the walls of the theatre collapse, and the audience leaves, will death still allow us to carry on our last performance?
These are questions still left unanswered. 'What is death' was the phrase that had carried me all these years from a journey for answers to pursuing my dream of finally launching a magazine. From countless tries to launch one back in 2022, then 2023, June 10th marks the start of this journey I have chosen to take alone with all your support.
I may have not found the answer to my question yet, but I can say, death is something everyone has a bit of in their heart, in their touch, in their voice. When they said 'words can kill', 'you have poison in your touch', they really meant it. For to search for death does not mean to search everything which life has abandoned, but it means to search yourself. For the greatest trick death might have placed on us was to convince us that it was a complete separate entity.
For what is death if not humans themselves?