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What you're looking at is a project that is looking to bring witchcraft, folklore, mythology, and everything we once knew about the haunting day back into what we now know as October 31st. A number of magazines have signed up to help bring your work to life which you'll find below in no particular order:

@Cult of the Dead Arts
@Rewrite The Stars Review
@DICED Magazine
@Vellichor Literary Magazine
@Ode to Death Review
@The Imperfect Zine
@The Hiraeth Review
@The Garden Literary
@18 Magazine

submissions are now open till October 15th.

submit now through here.


For this submission though, we ask that you follow along a few guidelines that may differ from our normal ones:

- All submissions must be originally written for this issue or previously unpublished anywhere else. This means any works already published, plagiarised or seem to be some form of fan work for a preexisting piece of media won't be considered a serious submission. 
- Submissions must be written in English or provided with an English translation.
- All appropriate trigger warnings must be supplied when the time comes.

- When submitting any form of prose, we must ask that it's written and submitted in Google Doc or Word Document in font size 11, Times New Roman to make the judging process easier.

Types of work being accepted:
- Poetry
- Short Stories
- Essays
- Artwork
- Illustrations
- Photography

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